Recently, Coca-Cola launched its energy drink, Burn, in India. Now, as part of the brand’s first on ground activation, the beverage giant has launched the Burn Car – a vehicle designed by ace automobile designer Dilip Chhabria – to conduct sampling of the brand. Actually, Chhabria has worked his magic on a Matiz this time.
Starting this week, three Burn-inspired concept cars will take to the roads in Delhi, Mumbai and Bengaluru.
Ricardo Fort, vice-president, marketing, Coca-Cola India, says, “Innovation has always been the hallmark of Coca-Cola’s business strategy in India. The distinctive association to design the Burn Cars is yet another affirmation of our endeavour to connect with our consumers.”
Priced at Rs 75 for a 250 ml slim can, the drink is targeted at socially active and adventurous young adults. The car is designed to reflect the brand attributes including masculinity, potency, energy and primal characteristics. The car’s appeal is further accentuated with the presence of Burn’s unique flame iconography on its body. The brand flaunts its potency with the global tag line, ‘Can you take the heat?’.
On the occasion of the unveiling of the Burn Car, Dilip Chhabria says, “The primal, potent, sensual and energetic character of the brand, combined with its unique flame iconography, instantly sparked off a design idea for Burn. Looking at the end result, I am confident that the design of the car will find a special appeal amongst the youth.”
Besides being used for sampling, the car will also be a part of event sponsorships and community based marketing initiatives. While the company has no plans to use TV as of now, it will rely on out of home. Coca-Cola will focus on point of sales promotions at clubs, bars and restaurants to market the product.
Burn is one of the most successful energy drinks from the beverage giant’s global portfolio, with a strong presence in countries including Russia, Ukraine, France, Italy, Great Britain, Austria, Poland, the USA, Australia and South Africa. Burn was first introduced in Europe in the 90’s. Over the years, its presence has expanded to more than76 countries.
In India, the brand will face competition from Red Bull and Cloud 9
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